[Bordermarch] Prizes for Melees

Todd Reamey radiorepublik at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 17 08:51:45 PDT 2007

Hey everyone,
    Melee's is fast approaching and I have volunteered as the prize coordinator for the event. Once again the event stewards are looking for donated prizes from our artisans and populace for our dear champions. If you have a piece of work or anything that you would like to donate please get with me as soon as possible. I need to have all pieces completed and in my hands no later that November 1st , that way I can make sure I have time to make word fame cards for everyone that contributed to the cause. This worked great for Baronials and I hope that we will have the same response for this event. Thank you all for your help in this matter and the stewards and I look forward to seeing what you will amaze us with this time around.
  In service I remain,

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