[Bordermarch] King's College Notes

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Wed Jun 13 03:33:40 PDT 2007

Simonn provides this information:
> During the morning there were many classes to attend or at least observe.
> Lady Bridgit taught Equestian 101, and Sir Alexis taught Equestrian Saddles. I was able to observe those classes 
> over the shoulders of participants and hear the good instruction offered.

> Lord Miguel de Tribuchet discussed the design and operation of class "B" ballistas and class "A" tribuchets.  
> He and his helpers demonstrated the loading and firing of those weapons then provided time for class members 
> to target objects at various ranges.  Lord Eric Greyfox and Lord Robert Robertson received siege authorizations during 
> the course of the afternoon's 3-hour class. Lord Miguel offered plans and assistance for groups/individuals wishing 
> to construct their own siege weapons. Lord Miguel also provided Siege Rules handouts.  

> The Armory at home and the Siege Engineer will most definitely benefit from the information.  We know the 
> barony has persons interested in manning siege wapeapons for War, including a crew of Ballista Babes.

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