[Bordermarch] Rapier Marshal class at Melees

Todd Reamey radiorepublik at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 7 11:55:56 PST 2007

To all the rapier fighters of Bordermarch and to all of you who wish to become a rapier field marshall listen up. On Friday the 16th, Don Tristan will be holding a rapier marshal class at 6:30pm at the amphi-theater. I would really like to see all the rapier fighters from the group as well as everyone who is interested or is currently a rapier marshal to attend. There have been some new rules that have come down over the past couple of months and I think everyone could use a refresher course. I understand if you cannot make it, but please do what you can to attend. Don Tristan is also going to be doing rapier fighter authorizations on Friday as well as Saturday morning prior to the start of the fighting. If you need to get authorized come find me and I will make sure it happens. I am planning on being at site that morning. Hope to see everyone there!
  In Service...

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