[Bordermarch] Girl's Haven Gumbo Cook-off Demo

Lathrop, Dave Dave.Lathrop at valero.com
Thu Nov 8 11:05:56 PST 2007

Unto Noble Barony Bordermarch,
Please remember that this Saturday is the Girl's Haven Gumbo Cook-Off
event. It will be fun event for all and they promised to feed all of us.
We will arrive at the event around noon and stay for a few hours. We
hope to have some rapier and heavy fighters doing some demos there for
everyone. We will be dressed in garb since the event is supposed to have
a medieval theme. If you can come and want to bring some of the crafts
your working on please do. The Girl's Haven Gumbo Cook-Off event is to
be held on the grassy area near the tall Entergy building in downtown
Santiago & Elisabeth

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