[Bordermarch] work at the castle site

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 20:57:23 PDT 2007

Would be wonderful to meet your whole family.  A few will get started around 7 am then many others will come mid morning.  We will have a hot grill, meats and chili ready for around 5 pm with a fire and perhaps some song. Bring drinks for your family and a side dish to share.  Hope to see you soon.
  God's Grace,
  HE Elisabeth

wolf waldrip <texaswolf35 at yahoo.com> wrote:
  my lords and ladies:
what time will things get started and how late will
they go? since the entire family may be attending, i
need to know.
in service
richard fitz osbern (wolf)

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