[Bordermarch] Brewers Guild

Theresa Liddle-Bernsen cre8tivtess at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 29 08:22:20 PDT 2007

Greetings unto the Brewers guild of Bordermarch,
I just wanted to let you know that I have 10 bottles if you can use them, they are in the back of my car and if you need them call me and I will see to getting them to one of you.
Yours in service,
Therese d'Ivoire

----- Original Message ----
From: "Lathrop, Dave" <Dave.Lathrop at valero.com>
To: Barony Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 10:47:36 AM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Brewers Guild

The Bordermarch Brewers Guild has set a date for 10/14/07 as the next
Guild meeting. We will filter and rack the honey mead and the blueberry
mead into bottles to be used at Autumn Melees. Both meads turned out
very well and look great. Our Guild Principle, Josh Kolett, 
will be brewing up a new beer and teaching the group the process with a
hands on approach. Lord Nikolia has about 6 gallons of cherry melomel
mead racked and aging at home. Preliminary tasting has confirmed that it
will be an excellent batch when it is done. Lord Aaron has managed to
"not" consume the mead he made at our first guild meeting. It is our
hope he will still have it to share at Autumn Melees this year. Through
Lord Aaron Whitewolf's efforts we have discovered a new source for
brewing supplies locally. "The Vineyard"  409-423-4756 is located in
Kirbyville Tx. and sells brewing equipment and supplies. We talked with
the Carroll & Carolyn Wallace, the owners, and they said they would be
more than willing to host some Guild meetings at their shop if we
desired it. They teach wine making to any who desire to learn.
The Guild meetings are open to any who desire to learn. We hope to start
interacting and visiting with other groups as we gain more knowledge
about brewing. If you are brewing and would like to share some info or
have some questions that we might answer please drop us a line or give
us a call. 
The meeting will be held at 110 Dawn Dr. Silsbee Tx. We will get an
early start and finish up before fighter practice at 4:00. There will be
stuff to eat during the meeting, but I don't what it is yet.

HE Santiago
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