[Bordermarch] Friends

Lathrop, Dave Dave.Lathrop at valero.com
Thu Aug 21 09:10:35 PDT 2008

Their names are but whispers in hushed conversations throughout the
lands. We hear tales of their valor and honor on the fields of battle;
they were legendary!
They now walk in shadow, forever waiting the worthy cause that shall
bring them into glorious light once again. 
The time is nigh upon us!
Here do we, Santiago and Elisabeth, Baron and Baroness of Bordermarch,
do call to arms the  CRYSTAL SKULL! 
We entreat the Crystal Skull to step forth into the light; help Kingdom
Ansteorra defend it's fair lands against the spoiler's dark hordes, and
once again fight the good fight at our side.
Santiago and Elisabeth
 Baron and Baroness

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