[Bordermarch] Re Populace Dribble

Tommie Stovall-Prentiss katitcha at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 8 09:18:41 PST 2008

Nomis,   You are out of place!  Mind your manners!  This ole cripple can still kick some rear end.  Leave the Baroness and her Lady in Waiting out of your slanderous drivvle.  You make my ears bleed.  I ask that all who know the truth to stand with me and defend the Baroness and her Lady in Waiting.  I call upon the Honor of Bordermarch, for I know that the Baron would ne'er level such dung at his fair Lady.  They rule with kindness and wisdome.  Mayhap the poisons you use to do your works have taken their toll upon your wits.  The assassins and spy arts are not unknown to me.  Be wary of your backside Nomis! Lady Katitcha 
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