[Bordermarch] The Swordsman

Bill C Burgin billcburgin at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 5 13:56:36 PST 2008


Ah what a little idle time will bring,

It seems that the swordsman has been visiting the Dimwitted brewer again and decided to put his random thoughts and comments to parchment.  It is good to see that he is able to 
string together multiple subjects into one drunken haze of conversation.
From: "nomistk at bordermarch.org" <nomistk at bordermarch.org>
To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Friday, December 5, 2008 1:40:40 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] The Swordsman

** as I was driving the cart to transport my third, and latest, grandson home (House Bladesong continues to provide new swords for the defense of our Barony), I drank nothing during my time at the scene. **

My informants tell me that the amount of time the swordsman spent conversing with the GA royaly was due to his true support of the enemy's efforts.  

** and he says I had too much to drink... **

That his son still wields a 
blade for this Barony is good testimony that his loyalties are not as easily swayed as the swordsman's.  Truly it would be good to hear the song of the blade in the Barony's land's 
once again but I guess that whittling with wood is all the Swordsman is capable of in these dark days.

** arrows are made of wood. bows are too, as are carts and wains for the transport of supplies to our troops.  does good Nomis belittle the service of good, honest tradesmen? **

As far as the ditches, inns and taverns that I stayed in I can only say that while the company I keep is somewhat suspect I am commited to my task of protecting the Barony from it's 
enemies.  Some times you have to blend in with the enemy as to not arouse thier suspicions as to you true intentions.  While this has caused me some personal discomfort and my body 
odor is less than desirable I do what is asked of me.  Besides it is not good to smell better than the company you keep!

** 'good Smeagol always helps' **

At this time I am actively rooting out our enemies in the outlands.  It seems that there was a certain turban headed one at our 
castle and I feel that he was up to no good!  Maybe the Swordsman made his accuaintance in his wanderings?  He tried to sell me everything from his sleeping quarters to our castle 
but when I inquired about a certain lovely chair he became speachless, the first time I have encounter this in him in our long aquaintence.  Now I do know that he still owes me for 
the pidgeons that he ate of mine and I plan to seek recompense for my loss and hardship.

And now I see that the barony's subjects prefer to eat the innards of the livestock rather than learn from thier messages.  Oh what a confused and twisted lot her excelency has made 
this Barony into.  I just thought the one armed gardener could'nt cook, now I feel that it was what she was cooking, not how that was the problem.  

All of these things going on and nobody to help.

** poor Smeagol **


** while Nomis' observations may be partly accurate, his interpretations sound like paranoia run amok!  to accuse our good Baroness of anything... he is obviously addled and should be retired.  were I not such a sympathizer of those who hold that the mentally deficient are not responsible for their ramblings, I would insist that something be done about the slanderous things he says.  as it is, I encourage everyone to simply chuckle at the bufoonery, and ignore everything that comes out of his mouth (or pen). **

it is my duty to advise,

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