[Bordermarch] Missing??

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 18:13:48 PST 2008

Glad to hear from you and have an update of your household.  Yes chocolate is hard to give up so moderation is they key....
  Miss you all, take care of you and yours and hopefully we can all reunite soon.
  God's Grace,

W G Wimberley <kwcw3f at peoplepc.com> wrote:
  Hello from House Morning Glory, some of us, anyway. 
We are not missing in action. Our fearless Household Leader, Ld Vaclav, is busy working and trying to keep his progeny from eating him out of house and home (2 teenagers!). Ld Zephan and Lady Meresankh and Alain are well and keeping busy with work and health issues, respectively; the latter recently was diagnosed with type ii insulin-resistant diabetes and is trying to make lifestyle changes accordingly. (Has she mentioned to anyone yet that she really thinks it hard to give up most carbohydrates, esp. really good bread and quantities of chocolate???)
I haven't spoken with Ld LeNoir lately, so can't say what he's been about these past weeks... Any others of the Household are MIA at the moment, so I just speak of whom I know.
Lady Meresankh 

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