[Bordermarch] Combat with snowballs

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Thu Jun 19 09:12:34 PDT 2008

We're ba-ack...
from Alaska,
hoping to see lots of Bordermarch populace at Thursday Fighter Practice tonight, where the "park lights" usually work.  :)

As of Wednesday PM, the two of us are home from two weeks in Alaska... which is gorgeous beyond description!  
The sun shines 20 hours a day. 
After our day-labors at construction and some yard work on the little church building in the bush, we attended three evening softball games as the sky was still as bright as Texas middays, even past 9:45 PM. Not one electric light pole exists at the ball park! Not needed.

The Lee family and the pastor family there whom we went to support did climb up to the Harding Ice Field Exit Glacier.
At the safety rope, we flew small Ansteorran and Bordermarch pennants which, along with a copy of the Bordermarch Trumpeter, which were immediately caught in the glacier's catalytic wind, but we got a picture!  
So basically, all of Bordermarch were with us, on our minds.

One afternoon Zane and friends attended The Three Baron's Fair which has SCA support. He will bring home some pictures of that and of lots more. I have lots of picture postcards with me and hope you get to see them.

Tuesday afternoon at Hatcher Pass at an old abandoned gold mine village, turned museum, we had snowball combat (in June!) 
We got on the plane Tuesday PM to come home. After a fantastic "Texas home grilled hamburger supper" Wednesday night and also a long sleep, we both are trying to re-cycle back into Central Time Zone.

May Peace and Grace be unto you all,
Simonn & Tessa


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