[Bordermarch] Water Bearing and the SCA

Charles Netterville ck_netterville at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 19 12:25:37 PDT 2008

So it looks like we get to pitch in for bottled water so nobody can cry foul, or in this case cry (flu) or (bacteria) etc... Water bottles could be washed, sterilized and reused or I for one would be willing to pitch in so every fighter could have his/her own personal bottle and keep filling it from the coolers. Surely these politically correct individuals couldn't have a problem with that !!! Sure, the convieniance of having water brought to the fighters would go by the wayside and the ones who are less likely to drink would no longer have the incentive of a small child looking up at them with pleading eyes saying ( please dring mister) and as such we may see a marked increase in heat exhaustion, heat stroke etc. but at least there's no chance of possibly being sued for passing on that head cold...
  Yes, tongue firmly planted in cheek, 
  Elrique, OSTB

Tommie Stovall-Prentiss <katitcha at hotmail.com> wrote:
Greetings all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that all waterbearing sanctions have been revoked by the SCA Inc. It is no longer to be regulated or warranted by the SCA Inc. This has evidentally arisen out of fears of an outbreak of any kind of disease. Also, the SCA basically said since all the laws are different in every state and every county, it would be a major hassle to try and accommodate them all. The main information came through on Ansteorra Announce.

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