[Bordermarch] Populace, March 28, THURSDAY

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Mar 21 20:52:14 PDT 2008

Populace Meeting is Thursday, March 28, 
at Gander Mountain Conference Room, 
Beaumont, corner of Dowlen and Eastex Freeway.  
7:00 PM
This is the Populace Meeting immediately before the April 25-27 Baronial Champions Event at Jones Country, 
which will be the first anniversary of Their Excellencies Santiago & Elisabeth as Baron & Baroness of Bordermarch.

Bordermarch's April event falls directly opposite the Baronial investiture of Their Excellencies Chang & Wu, new-to-be Baron & Baroness of Bonwicke in the western edge of this fair Kingdom.  We all wish them very well and extend Congratulations to Their Excellencies.

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