[Bordermarch] FW: BAM Lost and found?

Lathrop, Dave Dave.Lathrop at valero.com
Wed Nov 26 05:46:53 PST 2008

Greetings Bordermarch,

If anyone has info as to the whereabouts of Duke Sir Kane's radio, lost
during our BAM event, please contact me.

HE Santiago

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Easley [mailto:barbara.easley at fedex.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 7:22 AM
To: Lathrop, Dave
Subject: BAM Lost and found?

Good greetings!

I was wondering if there is a Lost and Found for BAM. Our young son lost
an Optic orange 2-way Motorola radio with 'Duke Sir Kane' written all
over it, and his sire is most incensed to have lost it.

If you could direct me to someone that might know of it, I would be ever
grateful (as would my little son!)!

My thanks,

Duchess Ilissa

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