[Bordermarch] Baronial Populace - THURSDAY - Gander Mountain

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Sat Oct 25 15:32:20 PDT 2008

Reminder to mark your calendar for Thursday, 7PM, 
Baronial Populace meeting at Gander Mountain, corner of Dowlen Road and EasTex Freeway.

The folks at Gander Mountain are really nice to let us use the Conference Room as a public service.
It's always extra nice for them if you happen to make a purchase while strolling through.

Populace Meeting is regularly held the LAST THURSDAY of a month at Gander Mountain.
This is the final populace meeting before Melees November 21-22-23 2008.
Most everything is worked out or is in good working order, due in great part to the fine leadership/service
and communication skills of Their Excellencies Elisabeth and Santiago who have been in consistent
contact with their various venue coordinators. Applause, applause!  Bow, bow...

Please keep in mind that NOVEMBER's Populace Meeting will occcur instead 
on the FRIDAY night on site for Melees weekend, at the BFT, as a "Pot Luck" supper.
Everyone is asked to please bring something to share.  

His Highness Gunthar, soon now to become His Majesty Gunthar before Melees,
has said that he and Her Highness Elizabeth, soon now to become Her Majesty Elizabeth,
would like to attend the November Populace Pot Luck and cook something particular for it.

Their Majesties Ulstead 4 & Ebergardis 2 will have their final court of this reign the weekend of 
November 8, and then the Coronation of new New Crown, Gunthar 1 & Elizabeth 1 will occur.


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