[Bordermarch] 12th Night Weather Forecast

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Thu Dec 10 11:09:04 PST 2009

Unto the most beautiful and knowledgeable Lady with the golden voice,
Thank You!  
I didn't know about the ballista down town!
I wanted to say what kind of church it was but I didn't know how to spell Presbyterian.

Since St Anthony, the patron saint of the lost and found was mentioned earlier, I'll mention a few of the items that we found after BAM:
1) Mugs
2) More Mugs
3) Green cigarette lighter case made of carved leather
4) Small wooden sword
5) Three arrows that belong to St Sebastian; we'll see St Sebastian soon and return the arrows.
6) Someone's Thistle medallion.
7) 1/2 of a tobacco pipe.
8) A middle Eastern dance thingy

We had one young lady ask if we found some brand name "Under Armor", but unfortunately we did not.

We also had someone ask if we'd found Sir Simonn; we assured this person that Sir Simonn might seem a bit confused but he only gets lost while driving to the events, almost never during an event! 

We'll post a more accurate inventory to the Ansteorra and Gleann Abhann websites really soon.

HE Santiago    

-----Original Message-----
From: bordermarch-bounces+david.lathrop=valero.com at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:bordermarch-bounces+david.lathrop=valero.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Jillian Birtciel
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 4:29 AM
To: Barony Bordermarch
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] 12th Night Weather Forecast

Sadly, as of 1969, Christopher is no longer recognized as a true Saint by
the Catholic Church.  So my reference material no longer lists him as the
patron saint of travelers.  Personally, any saint is a good saint, whether
popularly acclaimed or canonized to the gills; but that's personal!
Anywho, the point was to have 12th night at the Presbyterian church on
Gladys street, not the Basilica in downtown.  I don't think I'll be asking
HE Diego for directions anywhere, either!

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:54 PM, tessa <tessa at gt.rr.com> wrote:

> The clever Baron's untruths, to see if we were paying attention, were the
> following:
> 1) Time, until the event:     not "3.5 months"     [3.5 weeks being true]
> 2) Location of the event:   not "St Anthony's"   [St. Andrew's being true]
> Our Baroness most certainly does cook!
> Woe be to thee for choosing unwisely your words below.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <justinw at dreammakersetx.com>
> To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 9:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] 12th Night Weather Forecast
>  The untruths are as follows:
>> 1) HE will be making a side dish...We know she does not cook since our
>> honest Baron says she knows not how to cook
>> 2)No one has volunteered to teach classes...
>> Just guessing here on #2
>> Lord Chrestien Brule
>> Captain of "The Phoenix"
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