[Bordermarch] Practices

justinw at dreammakersetx.com justinw at dreammakersetx.com
Wed Jul 29 15:06:19 PDT 2009

The Baron has asked me to write something to let him know how the
fighter practices have gone. So I will do my best to sum up the last few
practices that he has been unable to attend. So here goes.

Fighting, trash talking about who's whippin who, new people showing up,
bragging,other new people interested and gearing up and learning the
basics of rapier fighting, more trash talking, some whippin, some more
fighting , media people showing up and wanting to do a story and then
some fighting then hand shakes and hugs and practice is over. And still
no sign of a Silverhand. 

Hope that sums it up for now. If you want news of the chivalric side of
things get with the chivalric marshall. However he has been tied up in
the rapier field doing some of the trash talking and bragging with the
rest of us rapier fighters.

I bid thee a good day,

Chrestien Brule

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