[Bordermarch] Defender of the Fort

Pandora Penncraft pandorapenncraft at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 21 15:47:35 PDT 2009

After reviewing the photos on Lady Brenna's site (Jennifer Dudley?) I find that the only 2 recognized Bordermarchers are Tessa and Simon...although their regal head shots are timeless photos, they show no story to tell, much less a cover...I was wondering if you knew of anyone else who may have taken photos of our noble Bordermarchers who attended the event...anyone catch Don Armand, Lord Zane, etc. in action??? 
Lady Brenna pics were mostly equestrian, and again I am unfamiliar with our Equestrian players...I did not see our champion's name in your list of who was there...
Just let me know when you can...this is the hard part - gathering content!

--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Lathrop, Dave <David.Lathrop at valero.com> wrote:

From: Lathrop, Dave <David.Lathrop at valero.com>
Subject: [Bordermarch] Defender of the Fort
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 8:07 AM

Greetings Bordermarch,

HE Elisabeth and I would like to thank Raven's Fort for allowing Bordermarch to participate in some small way at their Defender of the Fort 20th year anniversary.

Since we were busy from the moment we arrived we didn't get to see much fighting; I'll have to depend on those who witnessed the fighting for some accounts of the action.

By posting to the list your personal observations of this superb event, others will be able to experience through your eyes the excitement and wonderment of a SCA event.

Here's a list of those who attended, I hope I get everyone:

Countess Mistress Tessa
Sir Simonn
Lord Zane
HE Don Armand
Lord Sasha
HE Dona Leah
M'lord Chrestien Brule
Lady Nora
M'lord Zackary
M'lady Christian
Lord Vincois
Lady Ophelia
Lord Seren
Lord Elrique
Lord Phocas
Lady Padraigin
HE Santiago
HE Elisabeth

HE Santiago

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