[Bordermarch] Bordermarch Website News

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 15 12:11:44 PST 2010

Greetings Bodermarch!!,

After a LONG delay, the website is about to get an entire new look-and-feel to get it more 

user friendly and attractive to all of the visitors who've found us.  I've bought a brand new 

web design package and it just came in, and a new computer will be here by the time I 

return from New York.  


Now for YOUR part!  This is the time for suggestions, ideas and anything else you can 

think of that you'd like to see to make our "castl on the web" a great resource for not 

only visitors, but for you.  What do YOU want to see added?  PLEASE drop me an email 

any time with what you might have on your mind as it's easier now at the beginning to 

add your great ideas instead of moving everything around later to fit in new material.  


I'll be looking forward to hearing from you all,


At your service,

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