[Bordermarch] April A & S

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Tue May 4 19:31:39 PDT 2010

Lady Whemhotep/Wendy has to be working on something needlework related, 
however her post came across without words.

Populace has been eating some delicious sweets of late, prepared by Lady 

HE Therese' made pottery for baronial champion prize gifts.
Champions Event April 24  had A & S classes taught by Ld Phocas, Mistress 
Hillary, Lord Ricciardo, and HE Therese.
Champion scrolls were orginals, worked on by M'ord Beau, Lady Kemela, and HE 
Therese and others I may not know.
Armoureres are always productive.
I bottled up some home-grown herbs in oilive oil, and HE Therese' helped me 
seal and label them to add to the
champions' gift baskets;
 and I also sent an article about Rosemary to the Trumpeter recently.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lathrop" <dblathrop at yahoo.com>
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] April A & S

Several new outfits were made by me for me since I finally feel like I've 
found the persona and century I am most comfortable in. The black and yellow 
tunic I wore at Baronials and the green tunic dress I wore at Lyst I 
constructed and also made M'L Harley's outfit she wore at last weekends May 
Day Party Loch and Stargate did. My Lord Baron made all the ropes, ties, 
tent pole and spoke wheel for the new baronial tent and may I say it looks 
so fine. Everyone is admiring it and taking pictures at the events we have 
frequented. We are so proud of Bordermarch and are so proud to represent 
this great Barony but we are even more proud of the people we represent here 
at the border.


From: Todd Reamey <radiorepublik at yahoo.com>
To: bordermarch at ansteorra.org
Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 1:50:17 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] April A & S

I almost forgot to ask, who is doing what in A&S for April?

Nik the forgetful

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