[Bordermarch] Wilclin of the Barrow

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Fri May 7 05:40:44 PDT 2010

We would like another 'You only thought you knew me' for the Trumpeter this month.
All you have to do is write down in an email or word or something else, 15 or more things about yourself that you think folks might not know.
Send your stuff to chronicler at bordermarch.org<mailto:chronicler at bordermarch.org>

I would ask that Lady Padraigin not mention anything about the job she had years ago involving a rubber glove and the culling of barren turkeys.

It was such a great joy to see Their Excellencies Armand and Caitrin out at fighter practice last night, he even brought his favorite cadet Lord Nikolai with him!
HE Armand and Lord Nikolai fought like two demons. Their blades sliced the air so fast as to leave a vacuum that produced a high whistling as the returning air filled it.
Their feet, booted in the finest Carpathian leather just recently made available at the Dollar Store, were brown blurs set against a vert background of early spring grasses.
Someone commented that the speed with which they deftly deployed their daggers looked like two wild Pielated Woodpeckers furiously stabbing at rotten log to get a juicy worm.

HE Santiago

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