[Bordermarch] Recipes for TRUMPETER?

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Aug 12 11:45:50 PDT 2011

Yoooooooooooooooo-hooooooo, Trumpeter readers,

Would anyone who offered good eats to the June Baronial Champions day or July AHSS food spread like to have your recipe printed in the Trumpeter, to go to press soon? 
[I'm thinking,... Lord Olaf:  the yum sauce!  If it is not a secret recipe held in a locked box...]

Lady Jillian, were you working on a bread article?

Or anyone, any other item related to any portion of SCA?

Chronicler's assistant Lady Pandora is awaiting any kind of item submitted for the forthcoming issue. 
Chronicler's deadline will be here soon! 
You can email to <chronicler at bordermarch.org>

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