[Bordermarch] News from Pennsic War

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 16 18:36:10 PDT 2011

Hail Bordermarch! Know ye that
Ansteorra thundered onto the battlefields at Pennsic and conquered wherever we
marched!  Our legendary rapier fighters
led by Her Majesty Queen Gwen left many new tales for the village inns.  In passing conversation with many who knew
nothing of my being from Ansteorra, people spoke in admiration of a castle
battle where our blades raced from the gate leading the way for all other
defenders to follow!

His Majesty King Lochlan
stood in front with His Highness Aaron and Baron Alejandro at his side in one bridge
battle, and his sword was lethal to his foes. 
I saw him personally cut down one of the enemies’ champions so fast that
literally if you blinked, you missed the fight.

Our Kingdom’s
Youth Combat fighters were also well represented by Dane the Red, Count Sir
Simonn’s Page and King Lochlans’ Champion. 
Dane triumphed over all opponents in the Ealdormere Bear Pit Tourney
where he faced many larger and older warriors from the other Kingdoms.  His Highness Dagmar of Ealdormere
presented his personal heavy combat sword made by his own hand, and Dane
invited all of the young fighters from many kingdoms to come to Bordermarch to
battle on our mighty castle this Fall!

Of such, legends
are made…


Region Youth Combat Marshal


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