[Bordermarch] BAM A&S inquiry

Phocas of Bordermarch phocas at bordermarch.org
Wed Aug 24 04:53:29 PDT 2011

  We just set up an email for the BAM event Stewards:
stewards at bordermarch.org   (Baron, Donna Leah & Phocas)

M. Hillary, As our Champion, we give you full range to make whatever
decisions you need to organize and execute an awesome A&S competition  at
BAM.   Be sure to direct any questions to Stewards at bordermarch.org and to
send any information either there or to me so we can get it posted on the
website and in the gate book.

Lord Phocas
Baronial Assimilator of Information
BAM Co-Co-Steward

-----Original Message-----
From: bordermarch-bounces+phocas=bordermarch.org at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bordermarch-bounces+phocas=bordermarch.org at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Hillary Greenslade
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:07 PM
To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Bordermarch] BAM A&S inquiry

Hi Bordermarch, 
Quick hello to let all know that I'm on this list now. 
Want to touch base with the Autocrat for BAM, on the A&S contest details. 
Thanks, Hillary Greenslade, 
Bordermarch Artisan
hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Bordermarch mailing list
Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org

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