[Bordermarch] stuff

Thelismar at bordermarch.org Thelismar at bordermarch.org
Thu May 19 23:01:15 PDT 2011

Greetings good baronial folk...apart from todays sad farewells there is
some news I have to share...I, Ld Biau-douz de la Mere, am now the new
Baronial Knight's Marshal...Now having been granted these magical powers
this means that i have to fill out paperwork...Some of this paperwork
includes injury & status reports...A new change has been ratified by the
magical powers & marshaling committee...They state that all bruises
received when fighting are to be photograghed and placed in all the men's
bathrooms @ airports & YMCA's...anyone questioning the committee's wisdom
need to only ask anyone but me about said change in policy...

fridays scribal guild meeting will be held from 6pm-930pm @ the Art Studio...

A&S for Atli's reporting: Scrolls, scrolls & more scrolls...Baronial
Champion Scrolls, commission scrolls, A & S project scrolls, etc...i have
serious calligrapher's cramping between 4th & 5th phalanges...this can
only be healed by fighting Sunday @ 3pm...

Ansteorran Heraldric & Scribal Symposium status: Things are moving right
along although my work on the tugboat delayed some paperwork progress due
to the fact that I had to actually work this past week...dad-gum customers
interfering with my work again...

I have nothing else I can remember right now but i know im forgetting
something...YIS, Ld Biau-douz de la Mere, Knight's Marshal, Scribal
Officer & member of "Committee for Cleaner Public Men's Restrooms"

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