[Bordermarch] Big, big Thank You's

Patricia Schmidt iris20 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 28 10:05:02 PST 2011

Greetings unto the Lists,

BAM has come and gone, leaving in it's wake many fond memories for all.    While 
I beg your indulgence for being a bit to the late side in sending this missive, 
I would like to thank those of you who stepped up to the challenge to be Cry 
Heralds for the event.  You made it happen!  You made it fun!  And you made it 
possible to keep the flow of information going to the populace in attendence.  
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!  

For our Steward for the IKBG, Wow!  What a joy it was to have someone attentive, 
flexible and fun! To our Judges, without you, the competition does not take 
place.  Thank you for attending and making this IKGB memorable, fun, and even a 
place of learning/sharing. 

M. Jalali of Salamis, Cry Herald in Charge & Chief Recruiter 
                                  IKGB Judge

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