[Bordermarch] MAY DAY, SCA "New Year's Day" SUNDAY April 29, 2012 ~ 3:PM until

Mary Newsome marynewsome1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 17:53:09 PDT 2012

Can you tell me what is still in need regarding supplies for Sunday?  We
are very flexible so please dont hesitate to ask us for whatever is needed,
even if it is a sprinkling of several things.  I just received word that
someone will be working the first half of my shift that night so both
William and I will be able to attend. Also if another table or canopy is
needed, we would be happy to assist with that as well.

Best Regards,
Mary (Hopefully to soon be known as Valery)

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 10:57 AM, tessa <tessa at gt.rr.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Simonn & I arrived home from an exciting Coronation weekend last night,
> wishing many of you could have been there.
> I truly hope you get to see pictures of the astonishing historical day in
> Ansteorra!
> Ceremonial moments such as have never occurred before in Ansteorra are now
> threads in the tapestry of our history.
> (Some pics are already coming up on various facebook accounts.)
> "Thanks Yous" for the out-going Crown Aaron IV with Amelot I,
> and "Vivat" to the in-coming Crown, Hrafan II & Elizabeta II,
> for all Their Royal devotions to the Kingdom... to the Dream!
> Ld Germanicus's son, Dane the Red, was victorious in the King's Youth
> Champion competition!
> New King's Champion is now Sven, a fine flourentiner. He brings a
> background of other martial arts disciplines to SCA fighting.
> Sir Henri mentioned the possibility of his attending a Bordermarch fighter
> practice sometime soon (yay)!
> Landed B&Bs asked after Their Excellencies Elisabeth & Santiago,
> especially of her recovery.
> Many friends of the populace of Bordermarch send their greetings and hello
> to you who could not be present at Coronation.
> Especial greetings are sent from Count Bar & Countess Kat who love
> Bordermarch so much, and also from Countess Allison, the same!
> These Descending and Ascending courts at Coronation were the rare stuff of
> which history is made; I trust you will get to hear many stories.
> Please save SUNDAY, APRIL 29 on your calendar for Anno Sociatus New Year's
> Day in observation of May 1st (a Tuesday.)
> "May Day" in Rogers Park, Beaumont.
> Best regards,
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "tessa" <tessa at gt.rr.com>
> To: "BARONY BORDERMARCH" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.**org<bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
> >
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 8:58 AM
> Subject: [Bordermarch] MAY DAY, SCA "New Year's Day" SUNDAY April 29,2012
> ~ 3:PM until
> Good Morning, Bordermarchers,
>> Well met to these recent participants:
>>  William & Mary Newsome
>>  Austin Whitescavver
>>   Justin Wollam
>>    Chris Reynolds
>>      Rebecca Seidenberger
>>        Tyler, with apologies, I did not catch the whole name or contact
>> info...
>> As we learn names and contact information of other new friends, please
>> introduce them around to everyone
>> and suggest they join the bordermarch list on line.
>> <bordermarch.org>   -scroll the left side for local Trumpeter
>> Newsletters and Mailing List.
>> Our esteemed healing Baroness of Bordermarch, Her Excellency Elisabeth,
>> has chatted with me about May Day plans :)
>> I would like to help do the leg work (am so glad I can stand and walk
>> now) and give Her Excellency pause to continue restoring her health.
>> Since May 1 is a Tuesday this year, let's have our "Anno Sociatus
>> Birthday ~ May Day" in the Park on Sunday, April 29
>> combined with fighter practice. There are several new friends
>> participating who have not yet attended a revel or event, so let's frill up
>> our "May Day" and provide
>> a mini-event in the park to give a setting for our new friends.
>> Everyone wear garb, bring an extra tunic to loan, fly banners, bring eats
>> to share (I'll bring a table),
>> show A & S project works, invite other friends, hold a quick welcome
>> court, maybe hold classes?
>> Could we have Heraldry forms available or Fighter forms as needed, and
>> print out some SCA flyers for distribution.
>> And continue the singing for which our Bards are famously known.
>> All in addition to a good fighter practice.
>> I'll be happy to teach SCA Courtly Graces 101
>> Someone might show simple quick Garb ideas for newbies. ___
>> Lord Khorin is already planning a grand cake!
>> This could serve as an opportunity for recent friends to step through the
>> mist and Live the Dream!
>> as well as our celebratory Thanksgiving & Welcome Out for our beloved
>> Baroness Elisabeth restoring to health.
>> Everyone bring your lawn chairs, please.
>> Please sign in for what refreshments you will provide:
>> Lemonade:  Tessa
>> Gatorade:     ___
>> Fruit:            ___
>> Cake:          -we think - Khorin  /  Khorin is asking for powdered
>> sugar, crisco, etc. donated for this purpose.
>> Paper goods: ___
>> Cups:            ___
>> Ice:               ___
>> Other refreshments ___ ___ __ scones -Tessa.
>> By these means, the populace can observe the May Day turning of "Anno
>> Sociatus XXXXVII"
>> in a manner fitting to the customs of hospitable Barony Bordermarch!
>> SUNDAY, April 29, 2012
>> 3:00 PM  ~ until...
>> Rogers Park,   Beaumont
>> Fondest Regards,
>> Countess Tessa
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Bordermarch mailing list
>> Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.**org <Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
>> http://lists.ansteorra.org/**listinfo.cgi/bordermarch-**ansteorra.org<http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/bordermarch-ansteorra.org>
> ______________________________**_________________
> Bordermarch mailing list
> Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.**org <Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
> http://lists.ansteorra.org/**listinfo.cgi/bordermarch-**ansteorra.org<http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/bordermarch-ansteorra.org>

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