[Bordermarch] Birthday

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Fri Jul 13 06:58:09 PDT 2012

Salutations unto Bordermarch,

The day before yesterday was HE Count Sir Simonn and Lady inghean Padraigin's birthday, and yesterday was Jeffery the Barbarian and Lord Phocas's birthday;
no one was born today.

Let us offer up some post celebrations this weekend as we think about the trials and tribulations the birth mothers of the above mentioned individuals endured while bringing forth to the earth these fine examples of our species.

If you were one of those Bordermarcher's who were born with a big head please let HE Elisabeth and I know and we'll see if we have some sort of non- armigerous award  or a piece of largess we can give you.

Happy Birthday guys!!! and you to Lady Paddywack!!!

Santiago and Elisabeth,
Baron and Baroness
of Bordermarch

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