[Bordermarch] Twice our Queen

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Jun 8 10:06:21 PDT 2012

Heaven has welcomed home Her Grace Duchess Siglinde Syr / Nancy Goforth who succumbed last evening to cancer. 
Phone calls and missives have come to us especially to thank you, the many Bordermarchers who have been in prayer; 
your many petitions heavenward have helped offer peace to Their Graces Sigmund & Siglinde in recent weeks..
Please continue to pray for the Comfort of Duke Sigmund and his loved ones. 

Her litergical singing voice of rare beauty took her to perform in Rome.
Her admiration of the rapier community is noteworthy in that she is one of the earliest royals to "love" us rather than merely acknowledge our existence.
Her 1st Coronation 1981 was autocratted by Bordermarchers here in Bordermarch, 
held at the Harvest Club near the old fortress walls at the ancient South East Texas Fair Grounds.
4th Queen of Ansteorra 1981
8th Queen of Ansteorra 1983
A Peer, my Rose Sister, a Lion of Ansteorra, ...the connections are woven. 
As Her Majesty Queen Siglinde II, she and her husband King, Sigmund the Wingfooted II, are the lineage 
parents of Simonn & Tessa, Ansteorra's 9th crown.
Their 1984 descending court was followed by our coronation. I had the vast pleasure to present Her Grace Siglinde with her Duchy coronet.

Tributes are being seen printed across f b and lists. Last evening my brother Pelican Master Cynric wrote on line @ Ansteorra of her passing; 
he said in a memorial, she "was once my Queen."
I rather think of her as 
Twice our Queen.

Awaiting to learn details of a memorial celebration.

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