[Bordermarch] TRM and the 50 Coifs

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 30 07:29:13 PST 2012

Did I get your attention with the subject line???
If you were at populace last night you learned that TRM is wanting every Ansteorrean that attends Gulf Wars 2013 to receive a coif that has been stamped with an Ansteorrean star on it and possibly your name embroidered as well. They asked that each barony commit to 50 coifs. Many of you at populace stepped up and agreed so we are in to do 50.
Here's the additional info...The material is at the shire of Moonshadow being patterned and stamped with the Ansteorrean star. It will the be separated into sections of 50 and sent to each barony by Jan 1. We will then have to cut and sew each coif and return them by the first of Feb. If we have the material by 12th Night(Jan 5) then we plan to at least get the patterns cut while eventing. the tables and space is big enough for this project. IF and that's a big IF we get the material then we will also bring sewing machines and start to stitch them there as well. Otherwise we will divide them up or possibly have a sewing day at my home here in Silsbee to finish them off. Again many hands make light work and we could use as many hands as possible.
Thanks so much for your commitment to us and the the Crown of Ansteorra!
HE Elisabeth

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