[Bordermarch] Transition of Baron and Baroness

tessa at gt.rr.com tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Aug 14 08:20:40 PDT 2015

Greetings, Esteemed Excellencies Santiago & Elisabeth,
Your baronial tenure, your jovial, loving and guiding tenure, your 
sacrificial, service-filled and teaching-filled tenure of 8 years, is 
appreciated in the highest degree by your populace. The Crown/s of Ansteorra 
have been well represented by the both of you!!  I for one cannot say how 
*much* your leadership/service has been appreciated, not only limited to 
Bordermarch, but to the classes, events, and inspiration that you lend to 
the Coastal South and beyond the borders of Ansteorra. Your retirement soon 
to regroup with your family and grands is truly well deserved.  I am 
confident the baronial populace will be supportive of and of assistance to 
next forthcoming Excellencies. As a local populace, we are glad that you are 
"not" "going" "away" as you step down. Vivat!  ~Tessa

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Lathrop
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 7:28 PM
To: Barony Bordermarch ; Queen of Ansteorra ; His Majesty Ansteorra ; 
Coronet ; Kingdom Seneschal
Subject: [Bordermarch] Transition of Baron and Baroness

  Good Evening Bordermarch & Friends,
The time has come to give you the official time-line for the transition of 
our holding these lands for the Crown of Ansteorra and others to follow in 
our footsteps. It has been a joy and one of our greatest accomplishments as 
a couple to sit as B&B and be apart of the SCA. We have made so many good 
friends near and far and look forward to continuing to play in the areas of 
arts, science and service.
Kingdom has sent the following: *Letters of intent due August 30, 2015, 
please send to The Crown, Coronet, B&B and Kingdom Seneschal *Letters will 
be published September 1, 2015 in a special Trumpeter edition *Polling will 
be at September's populace meeting *Interviews will be held at Seawinds 
Defender Oct 24,2015 with a possible announcement at that time. *Investiture 
will be at War of the Rams November 2015
If you have any further questions or concerns please don't hesitate to 
contact us by cell or in a PM. As always we are here for each of you and 
look forward to working with any candidate(s) in the future. This Barony is 
our home and our extended family.
Gods Grace & Long Live The Dream,
Santiago and Elisabeth
Baron and Baroness of Bordermarch
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