[Bordermarch] Letter of Intent---Melia de La Renaudiere (Melia Ferguson)
David Lathrop
dblathrop at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 31 17:28:57 PDT 2015
On this 17th day ofAugust, 2015, I, Melia de La Renaudiere of the Barony of Bordermarch wish untoTheir Stellar Majesties of Ansteorra, Sven Randullsson and Antigone of York,Their Stellar Highnesses Creppin l’Ostriche and Toryn Sevenstitches, the KingdomSeneschal Don Brian o’ hUilliam, Their Excellencies Santiago de Monte Verde andElisabeth de Montvert, and to the wonderful populace of the Barony ofBordermarch very warm greetings and well wishes.It is my desire to inform all ofthe above of my intention to put forth my name as a contender for Baroness ofBordermarch. It is my hope that within my words, you will see that I have givenconsiderable thought to why I want this position and why I feel I am qualified forit. I did not decide to do this lightly, but reverently with lots of soulsearching. I am fully aware of the time, attention, and commitment that isrequired of any Baroness/Baron to facilitate “The Dream”, not just for myselfbut for others, as well.First, I would like to bid TE BaronSantiago and Baroness Elisabeth a very happy and wondrous retirement. You bothhave been excellent role models within our borders. You have shown others andme untold grace, friendship, hospitality, love and as always you haveencouraged all of us to be better than we thought we were. Your leadership inthe many events, meetings, A&S days, etc has been a blessing to this Baronyfor many years. Now, I admit freely that I hold notitles or awards besides m’lady, but that has not stopped me from stepping forwardto assist where it is needed. Mundanely, I have been working with and aroundvolunteer organizations for the last 17+ years in some capacity either as aworker bee or to hold office positions both in my personal and professionallives. I have a fairly good idea of what it takes to get people to volunteerand what it is like to experience burn-out. I am a mother of two lovelychildren (23 and 14) who think I am the weirdest Mom on the planet and yes,that is a good thing! I have a steady and self-fulling career (16 yrs.), and Ihave lived in Mauriceville, TX for over 20 years. I have developed a reputation of being a fairand considerate person who listens first, then speaks. I love to help others inneed and I try hard to encourage, entice or educate those around me to try newthings and to live a good life. Fromthe time I was a wee one, I have had a love of Medieval and Renaissance Eras.So when I found the Barony of Bordermarch and I attended a few fighterpractices and events, I knew that this was where I was meant to be, in the SCAwith Bordermarchers, researching things, sewing Garb, listening to Bards andwatching acts of prowess and skill on the battle fields. I love to live in thisDream! Myhistory is not as long as others within this Barony, but I have made the mostof my time and energies since being here.
- I attended the warranted classes for Exchequerduring the Round Table at the Jan 2015 Gathering. And currently, I am holding adeputy position.
- I was the Bordermarch Liaison for the GrandCoastal Baronial Event 2015 and I organized the water-bearing tables,port-a-john schedules, supported the Archery range and coordinators and paintedscrolls.
- I am the current deputy A&S Officer wereweekly I try to locate different A&S topics and research materials fromdifferent sources and I will post them unto the Bordermarch Facebook Unofficialpage in an attempt to entice our members to try something old and make it new.And I submit a monthly report to Baron Santiago of what my fellow Bordermarchersare doing, making, or researching.
- I am considered a “Dance Angel” by Isabelladella Rosa who leads me and several others in European Dance Classes twice amonth.
- I am a member of the Scribal Guild and I love tosample whatever our Brewers can dream up.
- I am the Event Steward for BAM 2015 and I havetwo very wonderful co-stewards who are willing and able to handle the eventjust fine in my absence or (hopefully) elevation to Baroness.
- BUT Mostly, I love to sew, to weave, and tocreate beautiful works of beaded jeweled art. And I currently attend the LochSoilleir Weaving meetings, so that I can learn from others and to support myfellow SCA members in other Baronies.
Hopefully, what I lack in years of committed service to theCrown, I hope you can see that I enjoy living in this Dream. I am truly blessed to be in such greatcompany as those found in this Kingdom and this Barony.So to the Crown and Coronet of Ansteorra;thank you for taking a moment to read my letter. I hope I adequately described to you a senseof who I am. Now what I hope to accomplish within this Barony is to carry onwith some old traditions and to develop new ones. To cherish and build memorieswith others and to continue growing this Barony through recruitment andsponsoring youth activities to get young ones interested in the SCA. Yes, Iknow everyone says these things and some will even follow through with them.But one never knows what the future will hold and all I can do is work with theMembers of Bordermarch and creatively think of ways to do all of these thingsand more. Please know that I have reviewed the Governing Documents of the SCAand I am willing and able to carry forth and support the actions of the Crown.I firmly believe that I would make a great Baronial representative to the Crownof Ansteorra. And I feel that I amprepared to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to support My Barony, MyKingdom and the SCA. I humbly ask for your blessing to be the next BordermarchBaroness. And last but definitely not least,to the populace of Bordermarch, thank you all for being unique and generous.Thank you for your friendship and support all these many months. Each and everyone of you brings something to this Barony. Through your actions and deeds,this Barony has grown and bloomed with talents and camaraderie. From thefighters in the park to the European Dancers and Brewers at the Art Studio, youguys ROCK! **Ahem** I mean you continue to amaze me with your passion forplaying and living this dream. Whether I am selected as your next Baroness ornot, I am always here to support you and your dream and I will avail myself toyou in all matters of communication, be it through text, call, IM, email, youname it, I will be there. I will always treat you as family with respect andlove and I look forward to continuing to grown this Barony with all of you. Yours in Service to THE DREAM!Melia de La Renaudiere (MeliaFerguson)
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