[Bordermarch] Letter of Intent-----M ‘Lord Merik Red Ax & Lady Gabrielle de Lacy

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 31 17:32:17 PDT 2015

  Greetings unto the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra,Their Majesties' Sven II and Antigone II, as well unto your Heirs' Apparent,Creppin and Toryn, and also to our beloved Barony Bordermarch. We do hope this missive finds you all in good health andgood spirits. It is with this letter that we, Merik Red Ax and Gabrielle deLacy ask their Majesties' to consider us in their upcoming decision on who willbe the next Baron and Baroness of Bordermarch.  M ‘Lord Merik has been active for five years, and enjoysparticipating in the arts of combat and chivalry, and in the arts ofblacksmithing. In the mundane world he is a manager for the railroad and hasbeen in the industry for over 8 years. Lady Gabrielle has been active for fifteen years and hasgrown up serving Bordermarch, fighting rapier, and learning valuable skills.She received her Rising Star in 2004 and her A.O.A. in 2007. In the mundaneword she is a stay at home mother with a background in childcare. Together we are raising our daughter as the futuregeneration of Ansteorra. After seeking council and taking much consideration of theduties of said positions, we have an understanding of the emotional gain aswell as the emotional strain that comes with this office. We feel confident andready to fulfill duties and responsibilities as future Baron and Baroness.  HE Santiago and HE Elisabeth have served Bordermarchgreatly. We are most saddened by their time ending as Baron and Baroness. Welook forward to the task of serving Bordermarch as their successors.  By your Majesties leave, we submit to you our letter ofintent as well as our loyal service. We also submit to the wisdom of yourultimate decision.  Ever in service to Bordermarch, Ansteorra, & Dream, M ‘Lord Merik Red Ax                                                                                                      Lady Gabrielle de LacyBryan Smith                                                                                                                                      KrystenSmith

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