[Bordermarch] A Call to Arms!

Seneschal of Bordermarch seneschal at bordermarch.ansteorra.org
Wed Mar 2 21:49:12 PST 2016

Greetings residents of Bordermarch and the Coastal Region,

War is afoot! The levy, fyrd, militia is being called to arms! The
Ansteorran Army Commander and Knight Earl Marshal for Ansteorra, Duke
Jean-Paul de Sens, will be requesting a roll call soon to establish our
numbers to turn loose onto the enemy.

I need to know if you intend to declare for the Coastal Forces, which
battles you plan on fighting in, and what days you plan on attending...This
is so that I can be as accurate as possible when presenting force numbers
throughout the war. These numbers will determine our disposition and
placement for strategic options on the field.

The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday Mar 15th - Town Battle 3 - 5pm;
Wednesday Mar 16th - Ravine 10 - 1pm;
Thursday Mar 17th - Field Battle 1- 3pm;
Friday Mar 18th - Bridge 10 - 12pm --- Castle 1- 3pm;
Saturday Mar 19th - Mother of All Battles 10 - 2pm...

We retain the honor of possession of the Ansteorran War Banner which we won
under the command of Centurion Michael of Gravesend last Gulf Wars. Let us
try and repeat the honors given us last year. Please help us keep alive the
legacy of valor and chivalry that Centurion Michael and the ones who came
before him created.

HL Biau-douz de la Mere, called Beau
Commander of the Ansteorran Coastal Army

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