CR - Middleford War Kitchen

Bob Dewart gilli at
Sat Jan 23 20:06:23 PST 1999

Greetings and Hi there, this is Gilli.

My lady and I will be running another kitchen for the Shire of Middleford at
Gulf War this year.  It will be dinner on the 9th, breakfast and dinner 10 -
13, and breakfast on the 14th.  Cost will be $25.00 per person.  My lady and
I will do the cooking while everyone else will be on a KP roster (we run out
of clean things to cook with, we don't cook).  Those interested or who would
like the tenative menu, please e-mail me privately.  The kitchen is open to
everyone; however, there is a limit to how many we can handle, so first come
first feed.

gilli at


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