CR - Elfsea Passage of Arms

Timothy Rayburn timothy_of_glastonbury at
Fri Feb 4 08:31:02 PST 2000


The Barony of Elfsea will be holding it's Passage of Arms this coming
Sunday (February 6th), starting at 10:00 AM.  The Passage of Arms is
where the Baron and Baroness of Elfsea select their Baronial Guard. 
The Baronial Guard serve their Excellencies Elfsea as a guard in court,
in various roles of service including assisting with court setup
(thrones, pavilions, etc) at Baronial Events, and so on.  The Guard is
chosen through competition, in Archery, Armored and Rapier combat.  The
tournaments that will be held do not select the guard, but rather allow
a stage for the demonstration of prowess, chivalry, and honor in
consideration of which their Excellencies Elfsea will hand select their

Please remember that there will also be a Baronial Muster at Passage of
Arms, and his Excellency wants to see all fighters that intend to fight
in his levies at Gulf War attend, and be inspected to make sure that
all is in readiness for the coming War with Trimaris.

The Passage of Arms will be held at Camp Leroy Shuman Boy Scout Camp. 
Also remember that the day before is Elfsea Baronial College, which
will be held at the University of Texas at Arlington, and more
information for which can be found at (

Directions to Camp Leroy Shuman Boy Scout Camp

Take your best route to west Loop 820 (near where 820 goes over Lake
Exit at Cahoba Drive/Navajo Trail  (Exit 8)
If coming from the north, continue directly across the intersection.
If coming from the south, turn left under the highway and left again.
Continue on the access road to the T intersection just before the lake.
Turn right onto Cahoba Drive.
Camp Shuman is about 2.5 miles, on the right.

Click here
for an interactive map.

Timothy of Glastonbury
Steward of Passage of Arms

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