[Chemin-noir] Information regarding Willow and Jon
Pukhta 'Pooky' Lovvek
pookyloves at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 09:34:00 PST 2010
Hiya everybody,
I am updating my "Willow and Jon Home Refurbishment HELPERS, List of"
If that is a list you think you might like to be on, please contact me
offlist pookyloves at gmail.com or 918-781-9652.
If you are on or choose to get on the list, please emotionally prepare
yourself to be contacted directly by me with news & updates.
Some of the beneficial tasks you might be willing to volunteer for
that have been identified are:
Laborer ~ Shows up at the house and does light duty projects
(sweeping, organizing, box content sorting, etc)
Worker ~ Shows up at house and does heavier duty projects (lifts
boxes, installs tile, builds cabinets, hangs siding, etc)
Home Artisan ~ Stays at home and creates things (book shelves, 3 -
interior stands to hold armor, {which we need}, etc)
Home Helper ~ Stays at home and has projects brought to you (filing,
cloth restoration, jewelry cleaning, etc)
Computer Item Hunter ~ Stays at home and finds things that are
desperately needed on (Craig's List, Free Cycle, etc)
Pick-up Item Person ~ Picks up things in your hometown which are
found on Craig's List and Free Cycle
Storing Item Person ~ Stores things for a little while until
transportation for the item can be arranged
Donator ~ Shares the generosity (Monetary, Items, Building Materials, etc)
Ideanator ~ Conceptualizes beneficial insights and contacts Pooky
(social programs, how to get free stuff, etc)
Emotional Supporter ~ Contacts Willow and Jon Directly and "shares
their heart" with them
Well Wishers ~ Are noticed by me expressing their positive feelings on
(public E-lists, private E-mails, FB, phone, etc)
So if any of these todo's seem like something you would like to do
please jump on in and volunteer in whichever way you would feel
If you feel you are on my list of people that might at some point be
able to help out. Please let me know if life has taken a turn and you
don't think helping sometime in the future is something life will
If you think volunteering is still a possibility and if it would be
okay, I'll keep sending you updates and info:
Saturday, and Sunday Feb 13,14 starting at 11:ish are BIG wonderful
help days for Willow and Jon! We will be doing low impact cleaning,
sorting as well as kitchen cabinet building and some heavier stuff.
Some crash space is available.
If you can show up at: 228 East Mohawk Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74106-2347 your
volunteerism would be very appreciated!
My # is 918.781.9652 please call me for more details,
Thank You!!
Your Beloved Pooky
Post Scriptum: Please be on the lookout for boxes, peg board hooks,
carpet role tubing (or something else to store tapestries), a king
size bed frame, and helpful friends
"The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development
of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others,
the greater is our own sense of well-being." -Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th
Dalai Lama
Please please please, as soon as you see an email is from me, save
yourself the trouble and hit delete or prepair to ride the train, The
Pooky Love Train!
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