[Chemin-noir] Bardic Theme for Return of the Dragon

Tara Alexander russcrowelvr at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 31 09:13:33 PDT 2012

For those interested, here's the Bardic Theme for Return of the Dragon: 
We're going with the chosen tagline for the event, "The Summer of Flame". Be creative! There are countless ways to incorporate this theme into your performance. If you are interested in judging the competition, please message me privately. I would like to have three committed judges who have experience in the Bardic Arts. We will be using the Kingdom of Ansteorra Performance Judging Sheet found at http://moas.ansteorra.org/ under "A&S judging forms". Documentation can be verbal, but bringing a short, written/printed copy to hand to the judges is encouraged. Official competition pieces should be reproductions of period performances or original works that would not be out of place if they were transported back in time and performed for a period audience. The performer with the highest number of combined points from all three judges will be the next Troubador of Chemin Noir!
Thank you!Voislava
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