CR - Stargate Youth Rapier

Amy Forsyth aforsyth at UH.EDU
Mon Aug 23 14:57:22 PDT 1999


>From Don Christoforo and Ly. Adela, 
Acting Youth Rapier Marshals for the Barony of Stargate.

We will be hosting an organizational meeting for Youth Rapier in the
Stargate area this coming Tuesday, August 31st (a week from tomorrow).  It
will be at our home, beginning at about 7 pm.  

This will be a meeting for interested youths, ages 12-17, and their
parents.  (Both parent and child should attend.)  We will be discussing
what is necessary in order for practicing to begin (waivers, armor
requirements, equipment, etc.) and answering questions.  The youth rules
are different from the adult rules.  

We are willing to assist with everything from drafting armor patterns to
ordering equipment.  If you have fabric that you'd like to use for making
armor, bring a washed and thoroughly nuked (ie. dryer set on 'extra high')
sample (1/3 yard) and we'll put it through the punch-tester.  We hope to
have our 'scientific' punch-tester built and working by then.  [Please, do
not purchase yards and yards of armor fabric without first having a sample
tested.]  If you have any hand-me-down equipment (armor, blades, masks,
etc.) that you're interested in using, bring it along too.  

We would like to hold YR practices at our home on Tuesdays beginning at 7
pm.  Our home is near Loop 6-10 & I-10 East (not too far from the combined
Baronies' UH practice).  For directions, please call or write:

713-330-3125  home (no calls after 9:30 please)
713-743-9698, ask for Amy (work, weekdays)
AForsyth at

In Service,
Christoforo & Adela

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