CR - UH Group -- legal info. for constitution

Joe Wolf WolfJ at
Wed May 19 14:07:51 PDT 1999

Amy Forsyth wrote:
>What's the minimum number of officers that a College must have (is it 4 or 5)?
>Minister of A&S
>Chiv. Marshal
>Hospitaler - ?

Not even that, per Corpora...

"4. Other Local Branches. Below baronial/provincial level, branch establishment proceeds according to kingdom law and custom, subject to the Society Seneschal's procedures. (See V.B.) These branches may adopt titles as provided for by the laws and customs of their kingdoms, according to the provisions of V.C.   Minimum requirements include: 

a. At least 5 subscribing members. 
b. At least 3 officers, including a Seneschal, a Herald and either a Marshal or a Minister of Arts and Sciences. Local branches are encouraged to fill both the latter positions. 
c. A name registered with the College of Arms. 
d. Consensus among members in the area, favoring establishment of the proposed branch. "

>Rapier Marshal, Chirurgeon, Chatelaine, Minister of Children, Waterbearing
>Coordinator, Archery, Equestrian 

>The group would need the minimum number of officers plus room for a
>complete turnover of officers ---- probably about 15 people if you account
>for some people either not willing or not having the time to be an officer.

All of this would be nice... but is not required.  

Herr Manfred von Wolf, Sentinal Pursuivant

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