CR - CR Warlord and Gulf War X

Lawrence Ruiz lruiz at
Mon Mar 19 14:43:49 PST 2001

Unto the Coastal Region does your warlord send greetings.

I wanted to thank you all again, as I had done many times this week personally, for fighting alongside me this war.  The accomplishment of the Coastal Region was not unnoticed, and not a bit of it could have been done without you being there.  For those many folks who were unable to attend, yet supported those who did, your sacrifice is also deserving of my gratitude.  

To the commanders of the forces of the coastal region, Viscount Sir Simon, HE Sir Godwin, and Ld. Quintus, thank you for training your forces when I could not be there personally.  The coastal region fought very well together, and I look forward to Autumn melees so we can stregthen our bond.  I ask you continue to train your forces as we have done for this war, so the next warlord can improve upon what I and my predecessors have accomplished to date.

I thank you for your time and I remain in your service,

Lawrence the Rampant of Ram's Isle
as CR Warlord
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