[Coastal] Gulf Wars Land rush, going fast!

Galen W. Bevel galenbv at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jan 24 16:07:50 PST 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Interested in some nice Real Estate from which to thump Trimarans?  The best
property will be in Ansteorra's Coastal region encampment, but time is running
out!  This special offer will expire as of January 31st.  All you have to do
is pre-register for Gulf Wars 12, then send your name (SCA and Mundane), Age
group (Minor or Adult), tent size, and group affiliation (who are you camping
with?) to the coastal region land liaison (that would be me).  See?  Simple!!
But the last date for pre-registration is January 31st and you cannot reserve
land unless you pre-register.  So avoid sleeping in the swampy bogs near
Trimaris and pre-register today.

Graf Galen Kirchenbauer
Coastal Land Liason

PS.  If you have a group who wants to camp together (20 or more people), you
can appoint a land liaison for your group, and that person can gather all of
the information and get it to me.  Just contact me and I will set it up.

--- Galen W. Bevel
--- galenbv at ix.netcom.com[1]

  1. mailto:galenbv at ix.netcom.com

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