[Coastal] North Houston Lunch Bunch - Wed. Feb. 9, 2005

Dale Pollack d_pollack at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 3 20:04:43 PST 2005


All are welcome to join the North Houston Lunch Bunch (basically a group 
of SCAers and those who aren't SCAers but hang with us anyway).  We will 
gather at Supreme Soup and Salad from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm next
Wednesday, February 9, 2005.

David's broken ankle is on the mend however he is still not on his feet 
yet (no pun intended) so he and I will again be unable to make lunch.  
Don't let our not being there stop the rest of you.   Have an enjoyable 
lunch and David and I should see you in March.

Directions:  I-45 south, exit Greens Road, get on south bound feeder, 
turn into the Greenspoint Technology Center and about a block down from 
the Greens Road intersection.

Join us for lunch and conversation.  See you there!

Lady Melanie and Lord David Dayly

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