[Coastal] [Ansteorra] Falling down

John Cooney jc at xephius.com
Tue May 27 21:05:48 PDT 2008


	As a big fan of persona play, I understand the intent behind your  
suggestion. I would love to join you in this activity at events where  
all the fighters involved agree this is the method we will "call" a  
shot good. Its just good fun. But I also recognize that some events  
are not designed to emulate "death" but rather Grand Tournaments where  
fighters score points and not kills. I also find those events fun and  
have just as much enjoyment calling a shot that way.

	While I don't think that either are the "best" or only way to call a  
shot, if you want to put together an event where we do "die" for the  
enjoyment of the crowd and each other you can count me in. But lets  
not impose this on every event as sometimes its just as fun to call a  
good shot with great fan fair and proclaim the Might, or Luck, of your  
opponents blow.

	Costal KM

On May 27, 2008, at 5:03 PM, Jerry wrote:

> Greeting gentles of the Stellar Kingdom from Othar Morganson,  
> Stargate's
> Knight Marshal.
> We here in Stargate would like to start a "new" tradition on the  
> fighting
> fields.  We're open to finding a name for it, but so far the lead  
> choice is
> "dying."
> With the Crown and Earl Marshal's permission, we'd like to allow  
> fighters to
> fall, crumple, drop, or in some other way fail to remain standing when
> struck with a blow sufficient to incapacitate or kill through our  
> armor*.
> Sir William of Weir taught local fighters on this topic** often, for  
> he also
> taught "Hit 'em until they fall down."
> To assist those fighters that complain that the ground is hard, is  
> dirty and
> has fire ants, we also would petition the Crown to hear by declare  
> that all
> list fields are now soft, clean and ant free.
> For the many non-fighting participants (marshals, heralds,  
> waterbearers) and
> spectators (consorts, nobles, Crowns, mundanes, etc.) we thank you  
> fighters
> in advance for trying out this "new" concept at your next list field
> combat.  We know that your honest attempts at recreating a medieval  
> combat
> will guide you to making the right choice when you are next struck  
> by a good
> blow.
> Yours in Service to Baron and King,
> Othar Morganson,
>   Fighter, Trainer, Curmudgeon
> * Fully armored: For the purposes of acknowledging blows, a fully  
> armored
> fighter is presumed to be wearing a lightweight, short-sleeved, knee- 
> length,
> riveted-mail hauberk over a padded gambeson, with boiled leather arm  
> and leg
> defenses and an open-faced iron helm with a nasal. (The helm may be  
> presumed
> to include a very light chain mail drape permitting vision and  
> resisting
> cuts by a mere touch of a bladed weapon.) Also, the hands, wrists,  
> knees and
> lower legs, and feet, including the areas up to 1 inch (2.5cm) above  
> the
> kneecap and 1 inch (2.5cm) above the bend of the wrist, are not legal
> targets.
> ** "Pick up your right foot, now pick up your left foot.  No, no, I  
> didn't
> tell you to put your right foot down.  Keep it up while you pick up  
> your
> left foot.  I promise you can fall down if you do this."
> -- 
> Full plate and packin' steel!
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