[Coastal] Hurricane

hiyoag24 at aol.com hiyoag24 at aol.com
Fri Sep 12 04:43:48 PDT 2008

Dale & I are staying put.? This 100-yr-old farmhouse made it through Alisha, we hope it will survive Ike.? Our biggest problem is likely to be 100-yr-old trees crashing through the roof. And the possibility of loose/injured horses - we've filled the troughs, stocked up on bandaging supplies, and will be clipping and/or spray-painting them today (for ID purposes).

We only have dial-up, so our e-mail?is fairly useless from home (even with electricity).? When we lose power, we also lose water & septic.

Godwin and Wyllow have volunteered to help?coordinate rescue efforts if needed, so we'll give them a call when it's all over.? Should we need rescuing - 2 humans, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs & 6 horses should be around somewhere.

Stay safe, everyone!? Hope to see y'all when it's clear!

--Katharyn Clatworthy
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