[DFT] September 14, 2014 Minutes

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor via Dragonsfire-tor dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Sep 25 16:15:37 PDT 2014

*Canton of Dragonsfire Tor’s Populace Minutes for Sunday, September 14,

*16 members were present*


Interim Seneschal, Lord Eoghan opened the populace meeting at 5:48pm and
then introduced the new Seneschal, Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire. At this
point Lord Franklin presided over the populace meeting.

Lady Aaliz du Lac was volunteered by her good friends to take the minutes
for the populace meetings. The populace decided that the minutes would be
posted on the group’s email list and in the Canton Newsletter, Tales of the

A copy of the Canton’s Order of Precedence was passed around for members to
check the accuracy of their awards listed, as well as if names were listed

*Officer’s reports *

The Canton officers and Yule Event Steward gave their reports and the
Canton is doing well. Lord Ulf, the Rapier Marshal, announced that the
weekly fighter practices on Monday nights would return to Jaycee Park.

*Old Business*

It was discussed that we need to move forward on the construction of
shelves in the Canton’s trailer.

The closing date for bids for Guardian of the Tor 2015 was moved to
November’s Populace meeting.

The populace decided to change the name of *Populace in the Park* to
the *Gathering
& Potluck.*

*New Business*

Lady Eibhilin brought up the possibility of us having someone from the
group go to some of the Tarleton student clubs’ meetings and speak to them
about the SCA.  This conversation lead into a discussion about exploring
what we would need to do to start a college group on campus. Korbinian
(Ronnie) will work with the college students to see would need to be done
to start a college group and then will report back to the Canton.

Lady Eibhilin asked if the group was going to participate in Tarleton
University’s Homecoming Parade again this year. It was mentioned that this
gives us exposure to the students on campus. Lady Eibhilin agreed to look
into planning and composing a budget so that members who wish to
participate may be in Tarleton’s parade.

Lady Eibhilin suggested that there are a number of spots on Tarleton’s
Campus where we could put up posters about our group and the SCA. The
Hospitaler, Her Excellency Lauretta and Lady Eibhilin will work together to
make and put up posters or flyers on campus.

Joseph asked if the group was interested in a scribal night. It was
discussed to start the Scribal Guild back up. The A&S Minister Lady
Eibhilin selected Joseph as the new Scribal Guild leader.

Lord Arthur reminded everyone that we should start thinking about putting
people in for awards.

Everyone was reminded that next Sunday, the 21st, Elfsea will be coming
down to DFT for a fighter practice. Garb should be worn at this practice.

Her Excellency Lauretta told the group that she would be willing to
coordinate with members who want to car pool to events.

Lord Franklin mentioned to the group with the 25th Yule (2015) and 25th
Guardian (2016) coming up to start thinking about things we could do to
make them special.

It was announced that a financial committee meeting would follow the
populace meeting.

Lord Franklin let the Canton Officer’s know that he would like to have an
officer’s meeting sometime in the near future.

*Closing of Meeting*

The Seneschal closed the populace meeting for this month.

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