[DFT] More Information on the Baronial Polling

Central Seneschal via Dragonsfire-tor dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon May 4 07:36:01 PDT 2015


Now that the Newsletters are out and you have seen the letters of intent
and hopefully read them.  I want to encourage each of you to take the time
to talk to your candidates for Baron and Baroness and ask them the
questions about what you feel are the important issue or concerns you have
for the Barony and Canton.  If you don’t already know them get to know them
so you will feel comfortable with casting your ballot in the polling for
Here is some additional information on the polling.  You will be writing
down your order of preference on the candidates.  You will put a #1 in the
box of the candidate who is your first choice for B&B and a #2 in the box
next to the name of the candidate who is your second choice.

Remember there is not place on the ballet for feedback on the candidates,
so if you want to give their Majesties any feedback on how you feel about
the candidate please write them at crown at ansteorra.org   Please get those
feedbacks emails to their Majesties as soon as possible so they have time
to read them before they have to make their decision on the best couple to
lead our great Barony and Canton forward for the next several years.

If you did not receive a copy of the newsletter please contact the
appropriate chronicler to get added to the newsletter mailing list.  The
only place the letters of intent are being published at this time are in
the Baronial and Canton Newsletters.

Yours in Service,

Mistress Asiya

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