[DFT] Call for Teachers - Elfsea Baronial College - Sept 30

Brandon McDermott via Dragonsfire-tor dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Jun 27 12:20:33 PDT 2017

Hello all, 
 I am coordinating the classes for Elfsea Baronial College on Sept. 30th. 
We will have 7 classrooms and a total of 42 1 hour blocks. There is also ample room outside for additional classes. Our goal is to have as many entry level classes for newcomers as possible, as well as helping newer or 1st time teachers with the opportunity to get into the swing of teaching. If you have classes designed for more advance learning, GREAT!!! We would love to have you there as well... 
Anyone interested in teaching or for questions about teaching please email me. I will need a Title for your class, a brief description, number of hours it will run, any materials or items required, total number of people you are comfortable teaching, and any other information you think will be pertinent. 
I am looking forward to seeing you all there. 
Gramercy, Duke Lochlan Dünn Elfsea Minister of Arts and Sciences 
moas at elfsea.ansteorra.org 

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