[DFT] Happy New Years DFT

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Wed Jan 1 21:19:39 PST 2020

Happy New Years DFT!!!

Today is the beginning of a brand new year so let’s get started!  We will
have a new Thrown Weapons Marshal, first one in over ten years.  I hope to
announce who later today.  Sunday, January 12th, 11 am Duke Gabriel
(Gabriel) and Lord Killan (Harrell) will be holding a joint fighter
practice to start the year off right.  Later at 4:30 pm at FMC we will have
a Financial Committee Meeting, followed by our Populace Meeting at 5:30.   At
these meeting we will start making plans for the coming year, including
talking about Guardian 2020.

As Seneschal, I would like to suggest some goals for this coming year;

Develop a good strong and active Chivalric, Thrown Weapons, Archery, Rapier
& Cut & Thrust, and maybe A&S programs

Keep our Hospitaler, Lady Shannon (Shannon), busy by exploring the
possibilities and planning of two, maybe three demos.  In Granbury,
Hamilton, and Dublin.

Adding both Thrown Weapons and Cut and Thrust to our list of Champions in
hopes of gaining attendance to our events.

Maybe look at developing an Equestrian Group and holding an Equestrian
event sometime in the future.

Lord Killan and I may approach the Canton about hosting a Crown
Championship for the Kingdom later this year.

This may be ambitious but Nothing ventured – Nothing gained and I would
really like DFT to grow into the great Canton it can be.  We can do this if
we all work together.

In your Service,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of the Great Canton of Dragonsfire Tor

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