[DFT] TONIGHT: Dragonsfire Tor - Official Populace Meeting - Sunday 14th
Baroness of Elfsea
baroness at elfsea.ansteorra.org
Sun Jun 14 11:12:13 PDT 2020
Reminder, TONIGHT is...
> Canton of Dragonsfire Tor - Virtual Populace Meeting
> Date: Sunday, June 14th
> Time: 5:30PM
> Meeting Link:
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81723014556?pwd=QlU4dHl3WXlIRWhkS0l1dGloVk9GUT09
> <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81723014556?pwd=QlU4dHl3WXlIRWhkS0l1dGloVk9GUT09&fbclid=IwAR1cmzXImqa4bAbyUq_fhWsURKc50-uwAE060Kzr3rf6C4vVMqXDqDuCSn8>
> Meeting ID: 817 2301 4556
> Password: DFTpop6
> 1. You might be asked to sign up for a free account. It takes less than 5
> minutes to set one up and costs nothing.
> 2. You might be put into a “waiting room”, do not worry, Baroness Kat is
> monitoring the waiting room and will grant you access to the meeting if
> needed. HL Franklin, is Moderator of this meeting.
> 3. For security reasons, outside URL/Active links will not be permitted in
> the chat, if you post one without asking the Moderator or Host for
> permission you will be removed from the meeting.
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